DEEP is a research group of INSA de Lyon whose skills in environmental engineering are focused on ecological and energy transition. Our name, DEEP is the French acronym for “Waste Water Environment and Pollution”.

Our vision is to imagine the way to manage urban residues tomorrow, by developing smart, low impact and energy-efficient ecotechnologies. Our research is organized around 4 research topics :

  1. Reduction of pollutants
  2. Reuse of water and waste
  3. Resource recovery from water and waste
  4. Digital innovation




Laboratoire DEEP INSA Lyon from MEDIAVENTURES on Vimeo.

Vidéo de présentation de DEEP lauréat des Trophées inpi 2015

Publications and knowledge transfer - 04/03/2025

Publications and knowledge transfer - 04/03/2025

Research - 22/11/2024

Research - 22/11/2024

Research - 23/10/2024

Research - 23/10/2024

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