Patents and software tools
Canoé® : Widely used in France, this software was launched thanks to a close collaboration between ARTELIA, ALISON and INSA. It is dedicated to support consulting companies, municipalities, water authorities and researchers regarding the simulation of urban drainage systems. The involvement of end-users of a team of partners enable to update it regularly.
Evohé ® : developed by DEEP and marketed by Alison, automatically processes and validates long time series of data in urban hydrology. In particular, it allows the integration of numerous metrological functions in a single tool, from the acquisition of raw data to the validation of the corrected data and their operational use. It is based on the outcomes of the research carried out within the framework of the OTHU. It received support from Lyon Science Transfert at the University of Lyon.
indigau® : Computational tools for asset management of urban drainage systems; it's a series of software developed by G2C company with the support of DEEP laboratory, based on results deriving from ANR (national research agency) PGCU "INDIGAU" research program (2007-2010, led by INSA Lyon) and Mehdi Ahmadi's PhD works (2014, in collaboration with G2C). The "Ingigau team" gathers municipalities involved in related various research programs and additional end-users in order to strengthen partnerships between academics and practitioners.
URBIS is a free access software for simulation and decision support in urban hydrology, allowing to evaluate and compare the hydrological performances of scenarios implementing different independent or interconnected source control techniques for stormwater management (green roofs, swales, retention basins or permeable pavements) at the building and block scales, for long-term time series.
URBIS was developed by DEEP laboratory at INSA Lyon, in partnership with the companies Nidaplast, Siplast and AS2C, with funding from the OFB (French Office for Biodiversity).
URBIS software webpage (download and information)
Patents and licenses
DSM-Flux® : Innovative measurement device for overflows monitoring. It's a patented original channel since 2013 owned by INSA and Lyon Metropolis (French and European patents in 2013 and 2014, respectively). It was also awarded during Pollutec international exhibition in 2013.
Biogas sampling kit: field_based tool developed thanks to an INSA patent (2006) and doctoral research (2008-2011).