OTHU – Field observatory for urban water management
OTHU, born in 1999 under the implusion of INSA Lyon and the Greater Lyon Metropole to define collaborative multidisciplinary research actions in the water sector. It is one of the oldest partnerships between Greater Lyon and research at INSA.
This outdoor laboratory plans to acquire reliable data on urban wet weather effluents on their impact on receiving water, in order to provide results, knowledge, and methodologies to assess the sustainability of urban water system and to propose some support for operational decision making.
It is a Research Federation (FED 4161) whith 9 research establishments *, 12 laboratories, 110 researchers and numerous operational partners. Insa Lyon DEEP is the supporting structure of the FED.
* INSA Lyon, University Lyon 1, University Lyon 2, University Lyon 3, INRAe de Lyon, École centrale de Lyon, ENTPE, VetAgro Sup and BRGM
Website : http://www.othu.org
Co-president of the OTHU Observatory : Flora BRANGER - IRSTEA - RiverLy HyBV
Co-president of the OTHU Observatory and Director of FED 4161 : Gislain LIPEME KOUYI DEEP - DEEP INSA Lyon
Coordination, Outreach, Executive management GRAIE : Laëtitia BACOT - OTHU Executive Director, E-MAIL