23rd Europen Junior Scientists Workshop
23rd EJSW: Monitoring urban drainage systems15 - 20 May 2017 in Chichilianne, France Background and Objectives European Junior Scientists Workshops (EJSWs) provide an opportunity for young scientists (typically PhD students and young post-doc researchers in both public and private sectors) to present ideas, plans and preliminary results of their own research in an inspiring, friendly, co-operative and non-competitive environment. The idea is not only to listen and to watch, neither only to talk and to dominate, but to learn from and help each other in solving scientific problems. Based on an adapted framework from the previous edition (same place, same committee), the 23rd EJSW focusses on the application of modern sensor technology, data communication, data validation and analysis applied to sewer and urban drainage systems. The workshop offers junior scientists the possibility to present and discuss their work with senior researchers in a setting that gives more opportunity to learn from each other and share when compared to regular conferences.Plus d'informations