Konsorcioj kaj retoj

13 Oct

Konsorcioj kaj retoj

Colombian - French Conference on Urban Water Systems

1 st announcement

30 th November – 1 st December 2017
INSA Lyon, France

Colombian - French Conference on Urban Water Systems

An event of the Colombia France Year 2017
organised by Laboratory DEEP , INSA Lyon
in partnership with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota


sponsored by

Conference topics:
urban drainage, rainwater harvesting, stormwater management, flood risks, drinking water networks, micropollutants, treatment, modelling, monitoring.

Seven Colombian speakers:

Andrés Torres
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota
Stormwater harvesting at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Juan Pablo Rodríguez
Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota
Towards sustainable urban drainage systems planning - Experiences from Bogotá
Edgar Villarreal
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota
Assessing the potentiality of rainwater harvesting systems in Bogotá
Néstor Mancipe
Universidad de La Salle, Bogota
Urban flash flood warning system using a rainfall-runoff model integrated to a smart
wireless sensor network
Humberto Avila
Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla
Flood risk management in urban areas by using SUDS and a reactive early warning system:
Case study in Barranquilla
Jaime Lara
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota
Endocrine disruptor chemicals in the urban water cycle of Bogota
Luz Angela Otero *
Empresas Municipales, Cali
Drinking water systems in Cali*










* to be confirmed