Analyze and quantify the impact of source control systems for stormwater management on the different components of the water cycle at the scale of an urbanized catchment.
Scientific leader : Hélène CASTEBRUNET (DEEP-INSA) et Flora Branger (IRSTEA)
Post-doc contract : Jeremie Bonneau
Call for proposal : Accord cadre ZABR - Agence de l’eau
Funding : 227 k€
Funding institution : Agence de l'Eau Rhone Mediterranée Corse
Dates - Duration : 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020
Partners : INSA Lyon, IRSTEA
Key words : Urban hydrology, stormwater management
The Rhône-Mediterranean-Corsica Water Agency is lobbying to reduce impervious urban soils. Urban communities encourage the use and implementation of alternative stormwater control systems (PUCs: ponds, ponds, trenches, green roofs, porous roads, etc.) known to reduce water flow and thus saturate networks and discharges into receiving environments. However, quantitative knowledge of the combined effect of these structures at the catchment scale and in a long-term perspective is still lacking. This project aims to analyze and quantify the role of supply chain management on the different components of the water cycle at the scale of an urbanized watershed. An operational hydrological modeling tool will be developed at the scale of a watershed with SCM. This tool will test different scenarios of stormwater management (favoring retention and infiltration) in the context of global changes (climate, increase in urban population, increasing urbanization) and evaluate the level of effort required to obtain a good stormwater management at the catchment scale and ensure the non-deterioration of watercourses related to urban water discharges. The definition of indicators will aim to evaluate the type of stormwater management strategies to be implemented. This modelisation study will be validated with measured data of the OTHU sites (Ecocampus and Yzeron).