Transfers of and processes related to human and veterinary pharmaceutical residues and biocides from urban sludge and manure used as fertilizers
INSA’s scientific : Jean-Luc BERTRAND-KRAJEWSKI
Project Leader : INSA Lyon - DEEP
Montant financé :193 k€ pour l’INSA - Coût total du projet : 827 k€
Funding : Agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, EUR H2O Lyon
Dates : 02/04/2019 au 31/03/2023
Partners :
- INRAE Narbonne
- INRAE Paris
- SM3A – Syndicat Mixte d’Aménagement de l’Arve et de ses Affluents
- SRB – Syndicat des Eaux des Rocailles et de Bellecombe, Chambre d’Agriculture Savoie Mont Blanc et Graie
TELESPHORE is devoted to the evaluation of transfers of and processes (decay, infiltration, adsorption, etc.) related to pharmaceutical residues and biocides from both sludge from wastewater treatment plants and manure spread on fields as fertilizers for agriculture. The main goal is to evaluate the possible contamination by pharmaceuticals and biocides of soils and groundwater due to sludge and manure spreading for fertilizing. The work will combine in situ (lysimeters) and lab (column pilots) experiments. Telesphore is part of the global project RISMEAU.